[Infos 1.0] 2ème mise à jour (b316) de la version expérimentale.
Salutations survivants !
Une deuxième mise à jour (b316) de la version 1.0 expérimentale de 7DaysToDie a eut lieu ce vendredi 12 juillet 2024 et elle est accompagné d’un message :
Vous pouvez également consulter ces informations directement sur Steam : Cliquez ICI
Voir le message original : Cliquez ICI « Survivants ! Nous modifions/retirons les cartes Pregens existantess avec la prochaine mise à jour de version expérimentale.De nouvelles cartes seront fournies et nommées différemment pour éviter les problèmes accidentels de sauvegarde. Pour conserver votre progression actuelle, veuillez copier votre Pregen et collez-la dans votre dossier de mondes générés : %APPDATA%\7DaysToDie\GeneratedWorlds Localisez votre monde existant ici : <Your_Steam_Library_Drive> :\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die Vous pouvez également le trouver via Steam : 1/Faites un clic droit sur le jeu dans Steam 2/Sélection de « Propriétés » 3/Aller dans l’onglet « Fichiers installés » 4/cliquez sur « Parcourir… » 5/Ouvrez le dossier « Datas » 6/Ouvrez le dossier « Worlds » Nous avons apporté des améliorations significatives à RWG depuis les mondes Pregen originaux pour EXP. Nous voulons que vous profitiez de ces améliorations, mais nous respectons également vos sauvegardes actuelles et souhaitons que vous continuiez à jouer si vous le souhaitez. Vous pouvez également télécharger les EXP Pregens ici : Lien Google Drive Link Merci de votre compréhension et de votre coopération! Reste calme, The Fun Pimps » |
Voici le changelog de la mise à jour b316 :
Ajouts : -rwg_tile_countryresidential_straight_03. -part_countryresidential_back_lot5 thru lot8. -Zombie Mutated SFX. -Ray sample count throttling for contact shadows based on shadow quality setting. -Inventory UI Audio Throwables -Inventory UI Audio Wire Tool -Inventory UI Audio Duct Tape -Inventory UI Audio Food Items -Allow switching on Unity Graphics Jobs from the game launcher -New bear and zombie bear Modifications : -Increased graphics High/Ultra presets sharpening setting to 50% and 60% for FSR with Temporal AA scaling it down so they have similar sharpening . -Removed depth of field graphics setting which was not used -Messages that don’t come from players will not escape BBcodes (Mods, Server Messages etc.) -Load EntityClasses.xml on world load again, not program start -Increased HP on bear and zombie bear -Zombie dogs, dire wolves, Grace, and bears now drop loot bags -Grace now harvests for rotting flesh -Adjusted loot in dropped loot bags -Improved graphics reflection probe settings for Ultra -allow respawn on/near backpack/bedroll even if it was removed after the spawn window was shown -Updated harvest/destroy events on several props to only allow salvage tool disassemble -Removed liquor boxes from truck bed in survivor_camp_01 to prevent the truck from spawning sideways -Updated Little Bear to use its own hand item with a shorter range -Removed unneeded and misspelled tag from armorCommandoOutfit -Localization updated -Updated calculation values for mobility penalties on medium and heavy armor -Removed smallTopAttachments such as reflex sight and 2x scope from rocket launcher -Quests now allow shared progression but only the first three quests each day count towards tier complete Corrections : -RemoveHooks causing null ref on dedicated servers. -More challenge fixes for permadeath. -Fixed the ability to get incomplete quest on base_military_01 from bypassing switches -Fallback shader added in SpeedTreeStandard.shader. -QA issues with house_old_victorian_03 -Q-A issues with house_old_pyramid_03. -QA issues apartments_06 -ParticleSystemSpawnRateLimiter added to forge workstation, chemistry station, camp fire, fire barrel, and torches. The emission scaling is now governed by the particles video setting percentage. -Adjusted AlphaStart of SemiTransGlow material used by SMG and Shotgun turret cones. I also added logic to better balance the transparency between day and night time. -QA issues addressed in gas_station_03 -cabin_04 texture issue -pants clipping on store_clothing_02 -Fixed Neck sliding off body for Zombie Yo -modern_01 SI & texture issues. -missing paint in house_modern_08 -SI issues in docks_03 -Inventory slot encumbrance not updating until you navigate away the UI and back. -Pink trees on macOS with Metal renderer -Turned off ‘custom vertex streams’ of root particle system renderer of p_blockdestroy_earth. -Performance drop and inventory corruption for impossibly high quality items. -Death on respawn from damage on ragdoll. -Sinkhole should not break the hordestone. -RWG/Navezgane is generating maps with gaps in water. Also fixes decorations not being placed in underwater biome -Graphics reflections from probe being dull or flickering on rougher surfaces -Dead zombies still play their pain sounds when hit. -Vehicle Action Set not being removed when detaching from vehicle (e.g. from death) if the console window is open. -Display error with Tier Add showing 0 -Purple mountains and trees on M2 Metal renderer -Fallback shader added to SpeedTree8.shader as some MacOS Metal based systems can’t compile the existing one -Graphics AA FSR having increased flicker and blurriness from additional AA -Exploit: Gas Cans in Generator Bank dupe on pick up -Updated medical healing items to work properly when healing others with Physician perk -FSR quality changes could take a while for texture sharpening to update -Quick Swap being updated when switching to the dummy slot (i.e. empty hand) -Dragndrop equipping doesn’t refresh modded to nonmodded items properly |
Sources : Steam | Twitter Officiel
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