MAJ A21.2 b30 STABLE !!

Salutations amis survivants !

A l’occasion de la thanksgiving, The Fun Pimps vient enfin de sortir une mise à jour A21.2 (b30), pour les versions STABLE (source : steam) !

Cette mise à jour apporte notamment les éléments suivants :

1/ Nouvelles options des conditions de mort :
XP Only (par défaut) lors d’une mort, le joueurs perd uniquement de l’XP
Blessure, lors d’une mort, le joueur perd de l’XP réapparaît avec tous les handicaps d’avant la mort ou causé par la mort elle même…
Mort permanente : lord d’une mort, le profil entier du joueur est effacé et il recommence dans la même sauvegarde.

2/ Gestion de l’inventaire :
Il est désormais possible de verrouiller les emplacements d’inventaire afin de pouvoir conserver des objets dans son sac à dos même lorsqu’on effectue un tri d’inventaire dans un coffre, et ça c’est cool !
« Cliquez sur les boutons fléchés pour indiquer le nombre d’emplacements à verrouiller, en commençant par l’emplacement le plus en haut à gauche de l’inventaire du joueur. Ces emplacements verrouillés ne seront pas affectés par les boutons « Trier l’inventaire », Remplir les piles et Déplacer tout. C’est un excellent moyen de vous assurer que vous disposez à tout moment des munitions, de la nourriture, de l’eau ou des fournitures médicales dont vous avez besoin pour améliorer pleinement votre style de jeu.« 

3/ Corrections de bugs bloquant les drones dans certaines conditions :
« Le drone a également reçu un peu d’amour, en mettant l’accent sur plusieurs correctifs pour les drones perdus et sur l’amélioration du cheminement dans certaines situations. Cela devrait permettre de réduire le nombre de drones bloqués.« 

Voici le changelog complet :


Death Penalty settings
Lockable inventory slots are now enabled by default
Player will be teleported from the full trader protected area during a blood moon
Checks for network data to mitigate some possible attacks
Proper exception message when more blocks are defined than allowed
Loadingscreen.xml to dumped XMLs when running ‘exportcurrentconfigs’
Allow overriding the maximum wire length when using the wiretool in the item’s action definition with the MaxWireLength property, defaulting to 15
Console command « visitmap full » version
Doors can have a trigger collider that pushes players out of the doorway as it closes
Push away trigger to iron garage door
Default gfx preset for AMD 6950 GPU
Junk Drone manager recovery of existing broken positional data.
Property for CallGameEvent triggeredEffect to allow client call.
Junk Drone catch all point that finds an open block around the player.
Junk Drone checks to address an issue when a path was being consumed but not followed.
AddChatMessage TriggeredEffect for buffs.
Graphics default calculation detects Steam OS
Added after ChunkBlockLayer Read we clear block ids that ref null blocks. Minor Chunk SetBlockRaw and ChunkBlockLayer get/set tweaks.

Junk Drone physics transform interaction for set position to avoid adding of the origin position
Junk Drone MaxDistance from owner to 32 blocks from 64
Junk Drone follow group positions to include 3 more points when behind the target is blocked.
Junk Drone pathing when in confined spaces, small structures, rooms and mineshafts.
Increased max particles of a type per entity to 3
Lock AdminTools queries while reloading so no invalid state can be received
Descriptions for teleports now show the distances.
Set AllowedRotations property to No45 on Land Claim Blocks to prevent clipping
Enabled mesh collider convex on various doors to prevent players from getting stuck in them
Updated collider on modularFireWoodStackC to allow projectiles to pass around them easier
Bird nest material and max damage to match particles and sound when harvested
Updated collider for brick_half_destroyed04
Updated colliders for couchModernCorner to allow projectiles to pass around them easier
Removed Damage Mitigation from Grandpa’s Moonshine and Pain Killers to prevent 100% or higher buff stack up
Reworked values for WaterChangeOT for Pain Killers, Steroids, Recog, and Fort Bites to match the new durations
Reduced Damage Mitigation of Fort Bites from 50 to 40
Reduced water loss of Fort Bites from 30 to 20
Updated localization of Physician ranks 2 and 4 to reflect the 20 and 40% crafting time reduction to items in the chem station
Updated localization for critical hits journal tip
Updated tags on zombieBurntFeral to include « walker »
Updated some logging for mod loading for better readability
Updated V2, V3, and V4 commercial doors that were missing the EntityCollisionRules script so the frames are not interactable
Removed the legacy downgrade path for steel ladders
Removed the bonus wood block damage from Shotgun Slugs
Updated colliders on all facade shape blocks to prevent camera shake when walked on
Telnet interface no longer logs full exceptions when the remote host aborts the connection
Resource bundles now sell for the same price as their unbundled stack size in rented vending machines
Updated prefab tags on showerHandlePrefab to enable collision
Updated colliders on table lamps
Updated collider on stationary_bikePrefab
Adjusted colliders on stone pallets to allow projectiles to pass around them easier
Adjusted colliders on gun and equipment racks to allow projectiles to pass around them easier
Optimized Vector3i and Vector2i
Optimized Vector3b
Optimized Chunk ToWorldPos for x y z
Reduced stormy weather lightning and thunder rate
Optimized RWG run township dirt roads
Optimized Utils Fast function
RWG creation memory usage optimizations
Minor GameObjectPool optimization

Junk Drone : lastKnownPosition becomes none, and spams logs and errors when it gets stuck.
Junk Drone avoidance of player focus block not being able to reach target.
Junk Drone build up of motion when stuck in place.
Deprecate log warnings for the Junk Drone teleport.
Junk Drone SentryMode errors when out of range.
Junk Drone : lastKnownPosition becomes none, and spams logs and errors when it gets stuck.
Double Barrel Shotgun zooms while in hipfire position. Additional change made which increases the range for the AoE knockback of Repulsor mod to be in line with the shock radius (both are now 1.3).
Non visible downgrade, destroy and death particles due to origin
Particles were tracking for none entity id and for forced creation
Reloading toolbelt window group causes exceptions on picking up/dropping items
Player names in persistent data now get updated when logging in again
Server permissions file no longer reloaded on own changes, only actual external changes
Error message on failing to load an AssetBundle now includes the requested filename again
Buried Supplies quests keep the Twitch Quest Cooldown active after quest complete.
Reading a treasure map or using glass while in the modification menu messes up the UI
When loading into the prefab editor for the first time, it lets you build without clicking Create New Prefab, leading to inability to save work
Issue that could cause food to not fill up all the way if moving on respawn
World creation had the default size set to 8 (now 4096)
World Creation window combobox for world size now shows all valid values from 1024 to 10240
Opening a container directly above the treasure cache will complete treasure quests
Players stuck in closed commercial doors v1v3
Rain particles do not collide with glass
Issues with curing sprained leg and arm at the same time
Issue with buffs that caused Goldenrod Tea and Pure Mineral Water to play the « player sick » sounds after consumption
Issue with harvesting camping chairs
Switching from ADS to hands with num keys will result in stretched arms
Roadside_checkpoint_05 rollup door open/close state alternates on chunk load
For clients on dedi switches powered by generators may not always function in non power restore quests when they should always have power
Triggers sometime stops working after a POIReset
Switch triggers can load in a broken state which is directly tied to a player save, some switches alternate between states with game reloads
For clients on dedi switches powered by generators may not always function in non power restore quests when they should always have power
Missing tag that would allow robotics to get instant kills while holding a stun baton and Physician Rank 5
Junkyard_01 – door was not linked to switch
Tall Cacti now have a bottom cap
Exception after closing server browser while a search is in progress
Dumping XMLs to files was not creating new files
Some EOS networking exceptions
Prevented duplicate trader waypoints by moving the logic from EntityTrader to the first time the POI is entered. Automatically placed waypoints can now also be deleted, though they will be readded the next time the POI is entered. (Tom)
Player Vending Machine dupe bug for stackable items with a minimum sellable amount such as stones, gunpowder etc.
Lab zombie left hand becomes haunted after dismemberment
« White River Supplies » stays in your inventory after dying on Permanent Death.
Doors connected directly to generators will toggle on login after completing a restore power quest
Issue with magazine LootProb causing them to never show up again if maxed out
Item Info Panel item display hides behind the quality bar.
Nokilling setting prevents radzone/hazard/vending machine damage.
POI police_station_03 wall section inside garage has wrong texture.
POI : downtown_strip_05 mismatching texture.
POI trigger system not working correctly when utilizing multiple triggers to trigger another item
Forge allowing Anvil or Bulletproof Glass Block to be Crafted without the full amount of required iron/sand. And can return more iron/sand than it started with when crafting canceled.
Forum Report : Zombie dog’s snout has no collider
POI : fire_station_04 Can’t enter room without breaking blocks.
POI : downtown_strip_04 SI with garage door.
Fixed Grammar issues with the vending machine tooltips
Localization : Extra space in the snowball item description
Test_POIReset game event not working on dedi
Icons for some items overlap quantity in trader UI.
Forum Report : Possible to smelt items instantly
Fixed Localization : Craft lot amount needed in Cornmeal description.
Localization : Craft lot amount needed in Paper description.
Localization : Craft lot amount needed in Paint description.
Localization : Military Fiber missing « Crafted in lots of 10. »
Added line breaks to Cornmeal and Military Fiber descriptions
Removed extra space from localizations
POI : roadside_checkpoint_03 possible to get stuck part way
Beer and Moonshine drunk screen effects now carry over on game restart
Player footstep breaks audio if done after an origin reposition
Brown corn stalk prefab LODGroup missing LOD2 mesh
Clients cannot pick up dropped items

Twitch Integration

#destroy_backpack and #destroy armor for Twitch Extras
Larger group spawns for Twitch Extras
Bit Horde groups for zombies and teleport up extra
It was UnBEARable to not have a horde of bears to spawn
#cacti and #ember_piles as new bit actions for Twitch.
#spoil_boxes bit command for Twitch.
#mixup bit Twitch action to mixup the backpack and toolbelt items.
Three bit teleports for Twitch as Extras.
#blind bit action to blind the target and their party for 10 seconds.
#destroy_toolbelt bit action that destroys all the items in a target’s toolbelt.
Dismantle Vehicle bit action to break down a vehicle into parts.
Rename_signs bit action to rename all the signs / containers in your land claim area.
Unload Ammo bit action that unloads all weapons in your toolbelt / backpack.
Lost Twitch bit action that removes all map data and waypoints and teleports you a short random distance away.

Double Spawns is now an extra
Made all Twitch/GameEvent spawns more aggressive

Destroy Safe Zone can destroy bedrock blocks
Sub / Gift Sub kills should count to receive the bit pot
Extended the cooldown of the mystery supplies
Murder Chickens are now more murdery
Murder Chickens can now find you easier
Forced targeting of Twitch Spawns was timing out after 30 seconds
Block events should not complete while the player is in the air
Teleport_up should not be used while you are on a vehicle
#setbitpot does not show correct localization.
Random Teleports would not teleport you within a POI bounds.
Mixup did not work on vehicles.

Publié le 21 novembre 2023 par Mysteris

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