[Infos 1.0] 4ème mise à jour (b325) de la version expérimentale.

Salutations survivants !

Nous en parlions lors de la dernière mise à jour (b317), les cartes de type PREGEN sont donc bien supprimée à compter de la présente mise à jour pour être remplacées ou renommées comme TheFunPimps l’expliquent en préliminaire de leur mise à jour :
Cette mise à jour b325 EXP supprime les anciens EXP Pregens. De nouveaux sont fournis et nommés différemment pour éviter les problèmes accidentels de sauvegarde.
Pour conserver votre progression actuelle, veuillez copier votre Pregen en cours de lecture et le coller dans votre dossier de mondes générés…

Ils indiquent ensuite les modifications à effectuer pour conserver sa partie malgré cette suppression et que vous pouvez retrouver dans leur message original sur Steam : Voir Steam

Hormis cette grande modification au niveau des cartes du jeu, cette mise à jour apporte également les éléments suivants :

Ajouts :
-Inventory UI Audio Drugs & Candies
-Inventory UI Audio Trophy
-Inventory UI Audio Books
-Inventory UI Audio Coal
-Inventory UI Audio Door Knob
-Inventory UI Audio Gas Can and Oil
-Inventory UI Audio Short Iron Pipe
-Inventory UI Audio Dyes
-Filter server confirmation texts and server names in progress window.
-RWG township outskirt district parameter to scale down tile count
-RWG country towns have some rural tiles
-RWG mountain stamp smoothing
-Prefab editor: ControlShiftV paste preview also shows terrain blocks
-Engine fire SFX for vehicles
-Locked slots in inventory can be selected per slot
-Pregen04k1, Pregen04k2, Pregen04k3, Pregen04k4, Pregen06k1, Pregen06k2, Pregen06k3, Pregen06k4, Pregen08k1, Pregen08k2, Pregen08k3, Pregen08k4, Pregen10k1, Pregen10k2, Pregen10k3, Pregen10k4 for v1.
-Player ragdolls have stand up animations
-Wraparound navigation for DPad navigation. If there is nothing to select at the edge of the UI, selection will be made from the opposite edge of the screen.
-Downtown_filler_05 as tier 3.
-Added Trader Voice Actors to credits
-Xml, loc, icons, mats, and prefab variants for tvCRT_PlayerOff and tvCRT_PlayerOn to prevent confusion/inconsistencies with icons and placement preview
-ItemStackGrid cycling. Press the back/select/touchpad button to cycle through active item grids (inventory, toolbelt, loot containers etc.). If you are holding an item in the draganddrop slot, it will attempt to find an empty slot to select.
-Adjusted fur, added glowing eye, and brightened up flesh on Zombie Bear

Modifications :
-NpcTraderTest is now using Trader Hugh model and voice
-Max Health reduced properly for sprains vs. breaks
-Rearranged the props behind Trader Rekt to see the menus a little easier
-RWG District to support alternate names like forest_rural
-RWG DuplicateRepeatDistance default to 1000
-RWG has reduced chance that duplicate POIs are near each other or for empty tiles
-RWG mixer mintiles set to 0 does not increase the chance to get that tile
-RWG preview only shows POI meshes on Highest setting
-Improved RWG plains, hills and mountains terrain generation using smaller tiles, better blending and mountain grouping
-Improved RWG street tile height smoothing to the surrounding terrain by using a box blend
-Improved forge rendering performance when burning or crafting
-Optimized electric shock effect. Added toggleable shock effect to character shaders.
-Deleted EXP Pregens
-Made the box shader showing land claim sky high beams instead.
-ChunkTransparent material render queue changed from 2000 to 2500 (Fixes grass rendering over cunk glass)
-Updated tags on several props to allow harvest of pipes and radiators to count towards harvest callenges
-Removed drop bags from all animals except Dire Wolf and Zombie Bear
-DismemberMultiplierHead set to 0 on Dire Wolf and Zombie Bear
-Hybrid cursor/DPad navigation for controllers. Left stick can be used to toggle to the cursor at any time. Pressing a DPad button will revert to the directional navigation.
-Restored scaling of traderHughSignInteriorPrefab to prevent clipping issues
-Excluded the extends of tags and index on modular rope set to prevent misleading nav icons for the polymer harvest challenge
-Increased HP of Dire Wolf
-Increased DMG of Dire Wolf hand item
-Updated buff lists and weights on hand items of Zombie Bears and Dire Wolves to be more deadly
-Adjusted XP on little bear and zombie bear
-Rwgmixer limited sawmill_01 to spawn only in forest, burnt forest and snow biome. Also rural_outdoor_wedding_01 to spawn in forest.
-Sawmill_01 reduced the amount of spawn chances.
-Hotel_02 replaced red coolers for yellow coolers.
-Rwgmixer.xml added spawn biomes for rural_outdoor_wedding_01, snow and burn forest.
-House_modern_24 optimization pass reduced 307k verts / 87.5 tris. Added triggered sounds
-Roadside_checkpoint_05 added sound to draw the player’s attention.
-Removed duplicate coolers in aaa_block_props
-Updated mat for Trader Bob Interior Sign with no lights
-Adjusted RWG country town and mountain settings
-Limited RWG spawning of gateway straights to min 0, max 1 as these cannot have traders
-Restored controller settings for cursor sensitivity, hover speed and cursor snapping
-Improved handling of combo box and pager gamepad callouts that work consistently with both Dpad and Cursor navigation
-Default controller binding for inventory while in vehicles now the same as the onfoot inventory binding
-Extra security for ensuring on console platforms changing inputs to a controller will always use that platforms icons
-Improved contextual usage of the right stick when highlighting paged lists and combo boxes with the virtual cursor.
-Updated colliders on clothes half shelves to allow projectiles to pass through them easier
-Remnant_downtown_filler_19 changes made based on feedback
-Remnant_downtown_filler_12 reduced verts from 358k to 326 and tris from 147k to 136k
-Hotel_02 added visual aid to path
-All military POIs given siteMilitary theme tags and 500 distance.
-Apartments_02 added elevator sound. Minor blocks update
-Remnant_downtown_filler_19 changes made based on feedback
-Updated tvBlockVariantHelper with new tvCRT player versions
-Dismemberment adjusted the lifetime of the parts during blood moons
-Updated localization for resourceNailDesc
-Serverconfig.xml to reflect new pregen names in world list comment.

Corrections :
-Swapping toolbelt while throwing timed charge results in invisible weapon
-Stun baton charge animation missing when moving it to a different toolbelt slot,
-Disabled dynamic batching. Fixes cases where motion vectors for skinned mesh renderers such as zombies were being drawn through walls, causing visible distortion with TAA or FSR enabled.
-Big Biome Decos spawning inside POIs.
-Replacing blocks does not reset number of upgrade hits.
-Error when dew collector is destroyed while a player has its UI opened
-The ‘RightArm’ and ‘BothArms’ animation masks were both missing the roll joints causing some really ugly deformation on the arms when poses were played through those masks
-Controller cursor gets stuck off screen when the save confirmation dialog is shown on the world gen preview window
-Default input for news screen set to relevant mode on consoles, not Keyboard.
-Trader_hugh tree clipping
-Missing texture in remnant_house_20
-PC Xbl Online games freezing game on exit
-Load audio creating source objects when beyond max distance
-No trader teleport when riding on a 2 wheeled vehicle
-Ambient stinger sounds play too often
-RWG sloped highways not smoothly blending height to street tiles
-Forge did not update effects when crafting stopped until the window closed
-Warnings logged about convex meshes
-Effects Textures do not refresh after quality settings change
-Punching while an item completes repairs and returns to that slot while punching fix has had a regression.
-Player corpses play pain audio when struck.
-A thrown rock does not make a sound when it strikes a target.
-Fixed MultiBlockManager error spam when joining a Prefab Editor session as a client. MBM will now correctly initialize in client mode, supporting client side MultiBlock terrain alignment functionality.
-Fixed logfile argument passing in Linux dedicated server start scripts
-Fixed land claim boundaries not being cleaned up.
-Picking up empty workstations creates a loot backpack for a short moment
-Weapons sometimes require toggling mod twice to turn back on after repairing.
-Clients were able to perma sneak attack in combat
-Ranch_08 terrain density issue
-Countrytown_business_01 missing textures.
-Plaster casted leg instantly heals if they break it again
-Male assassin outfit can be seen clipping into camera when wrenching
-Drape texture
-Treasure quests have the red symbol for no quest progression.
-All completed quests count toward progression on relog.
-Messy bunk bed clipping issue with blanket
-Forum Report: Storage Crate upgrade issue in MP
-Gap in skin when holding 1 handed item
-Wooden Signs description
-Description for Scavenger Boots needs correction
-Wrong variable names used for localization strings on crafting challenge reward quest
-Prevent index OOB error when closing the map screen due to pager counts changing.
-Quest tier progression count and quest limit debuff are not accurate.
-Fixed ordering of face buttons on the controller layout diagram
-Right stick paging not working while virtual cursor is active
-Unplugging a controller on PC reverts to keyboard controls properly.
-Inventory radial menu can be used while in a vehicle
-List of guns that are missing reload animations from 2nd player perspective with SDCS characters
-Deploying a junk sledge causes other junk sledge in hot bar to be deployed with altered quality level.
-Hazmat radiated color variants have orange limbs when dismembered
-Guard tower SI issue in football_stadium POI.
-Moved the Duplicate Repeat Distance field to the Prefab Tags tab.
-Prefab clone constructor not copying over the other prefab’s “ThemeRepeatDistance” and “DuplicateRepeatDistance”.
-Prefab Editor not giving unsaved changes warning when Difficulty Tier, Theme Repeat Distance or Duplicate Repeat Distance was changed.
-Farm_08 fixed mispainted textures and terrain density issue.
-Stop console error if item stack swap icon fails to load
-Mismatched textures in office_03.
-Path jump exploit in theater_stage_01
-Missing driveway part on house_old_bungalow_01
-Hotel_ostrich curb adjustment
-Warehouse_01 missing part of catwalk.
-Farm_17 missing texture.
-Janitor zombie’s dismemberment issues
-Inmate zombie has striped texture on hand after dismemberment
-Theater_stage_01 roof wrong zombies early breakout making path confusing.
-Zombie cop and mutated zombie stand up to “puke” when they have no legs
-Misspelled localization lines
-Fixed Suggested Chinese localization edits
-Remnant_church_01 collapsing windows frames when picking up food pile
-Vehicle tire colliders using wrong shape
-Downtown_strip_12 fixed mispainted texture.
-Players were trying to head look during ragdolls
-Clients on P2P or on a server receive duplicated turret ammo/other similar placeables

Sources : Steam | Twitter Officiel

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Publié le 20 juillet 2024 par Mysteris
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